On these occasions, I make my own worksheet. I started off using Microsoft Word because they have a great clip art gallery that includes photographs and I don't have to worry about copyright infringement like I would if I just downloaded photos from an internet search. (If you don't own Word, you can access their clip art gallery here.) But sometimes I don't find what I'm looking for. And I also like to use Google docs, which doesn't have a clip art gallery.
So I searched around and found WPClipart. As it says on their site: "WPClipart is an ever-growing collection of artwork for schoolkids and others that is free of copyright concerns as well as safe from inappropriate images." Unlike other "free" clipart sites, this one seems legitimate, without pop-ups. It has a fairly extensive gallery and although ad-supported, there is typically one ad per page so it is not overwhemling. It is easy to search images and browse by category.
To make worksheets using clipart, I might put groups of items on a page in varying quantities and have the kids circle the groups corresponding to whatever is our number of the day (see the worksheet which I will link to with the Vegetable theme after July 15th). This is an idea I got from Brain Quest Workbook: Pre-K
Another thing I like to use clipart for is visual displays, specifically clipart photographs. I like to have pictures for the kids to look at related to the theme. Pictures of clouds for the Cloud theme; pictures of fruits and vegetables for those themes. I like to either print them out so the kids can hold them, or to save printer ink, I'll create a doc which I then save them as a PDF (from Word or Google Docs) which I can load onto my Color Nook and hold up for the kids to see (I like using the Nook because it is small and easier to hold up than trying to show the images on a laptop sitting on a table. An iPad or other tablet would work just as well, but the Nook is what I have.)
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